Anyway, on with the post. In church today, I was asked to give a talk on the Importance of Education on May 23rd in Sacrament meeting. That means I have two talks in one month. Seriously, that's kind of annoying.
On another note, last night I finally started working on my Haley Potter fanfic. Yes, I know what you're thinking, 'another writing project?' but I've been working on this one for a couple years now and it still isn't going anywhere at all, yet I have it all planned out. Now, it's near the top of my list, just under The Brotherhood. Sadly, it even beats Involuntary Notion.
On a more random thought, I had the strangest dream a couple nights ago. It does somewhat relate to my talk I have to give. You see, in the dream, I stood up and started giving the talk, but then I didn't stop. I just kept going and went fifteen minutes into the next meeting. I didn't even seem to realize that I was going WAY over my five minute limit, so I kept talking. Finally, someone in the congregation stood up and shouted "Shut up and sit down! I want to go home and your talk isn't even that interesting!" I nearly died of embarrassment and then I woke up. It was one of the more strange dreams I've had, even though I know exactly where it is coming from this time.
Anyway, I guess I'm done for today.